An HR Check-up, Like Going to the Dentist?

Few people like going to the dentist but the consequences of not going can be more painful.  The same can be said for conducting an HR check-up. An HR check-up can identify existing problems, offer solutions, and help prevent lawsuits.  It takes time to do, but it will safeguard your business from serious and potentially costly mistakes.

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

Unfortunately (or fortunately, based on your perspective), HR laws change constantly and as the new administration establishes itself there are many agencies changing laws that affect business owners; OSHA, DOL, EEOC, just to name a few.  It is not enough to focus on the federal laws as state and local laws are changing just as fast.

You can do a check-up yourself if you have an HR person, or outsource it.  SevenStar HR, for example, has an online survey we call our HR MRI, which is a deep dive to discover unknown issues which could be devastating to your business. Even if you have delegated HR, this assessment can give you the assurance that all the ever-changing laws are being followed and you are getting the most out of your employees. You can do the remediation through us, by yourself, or hire someone else to do it.

If you want to try this on your own, break it down into sections. Most lawsuits can be traced back to issues related to hiring, performance management, or termination so making sure you are following the law in those areas should be your starting point.

Other high-risk areas include:

  • Misclassification of exempt and non-exempt positions

  • Inadequately maintained personnel files

  • I-9 form errors

  • Prohibited attendance policies

  • Insufficient record retention

  • Improper hiring process & lack interviewing training

Once you have completed your first area, set a plan to take corrective action and also set a date for your next section.