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In the Era of Instant, Are You Taking Time to Train Your Employees?

We have raised two generations who know no other reality than instant access and instant action.  Every moment of their lives has happened at an exponential pace.  The workplace is not immune to this reality.  Expectations of rapid work, reward, and advancement are pressing their way into company cultures.

Something new is starting to re-emerge in the workforce.  Employees yearn to be developed.  They want the time and attention of their managers, peers and senior leaders.  This desire exists even in the middle of the mad rush of the day. One of the reasons many people are deciding to change jobs right now is organizations are not taking the time to develop people.

This is a giant blind spot for employers.  Expecting employees to come fully equipped to do the job.  Days of old when employees were just thrown in the pool to see if they could swim just doesn’t cut it in the technology-powered jobs of today.

Looking at each employee and creating a plan for where they want to go in their career and what they need training-wise to get them there is extremely important in keeping good employees and developing new ones.