Training Options
We have three types of training materials available to Distributors
E-trainings are done online and you can use them to get trainees all on the same page either for you or another to do in-person or webinar trainings or sell them as they are or in a package. These have E- in front of the titles
Webinar trainings are provided by SevenStar HR and may include surveys or assessments to obtain the data to perform the training. These have W- in front of the titles
Training Packages are complete courses you can use to train people via a webinar or in person. These have TP- in front of the titles. Included with each of these packages are:
Training Manuals, PowerPoint Slides, Pre-Assignments, Pre-/Post Assessments, Instructor Guides, Promotional Ads, Lesson Plans, Icebreakers
Organizational Change
Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives.
Item description will give any leader tools to implement changes more smoothly and to have those changes better accepted.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Kotters 8-Step change Model: Creating urgency for the change, building a coalition, forming a vision, communicating the vision, removing barriers, modeling change, generating quick wins, staying persistent, and making the change permanent, are all the steps for Kotter's 8-step Change Model. Each step is described using examples of how to implement the change.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
McKinsey’s 7-Step:
This video educates participants about the seven elements that can determine success during change, based on the McKinsey 7-S Change Model. This training explores the hard and soft elements of the factors of change.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Kure Lewin’s 3-Stage Model:
The 3-stage model starts with an unfreeze stage, next a transition stage during the change, and a refreeze to help lock in the new change. This course demonstrates the critical components of each stage and why they need to be followed through so that any confusion, resistance, or resorting back to the old ways can be dealt with. Communication and research are key to any successful change.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Employees who possess the skill to maintain a positive mindset, even when faced with challenges, are more innovative, creative, and adaptive to change.
Creating a mindset for change is a leadership process that moves individuals from being unconscious and reactionary to being creative and intentional. This is the shift in mindset that is needed for people to focus on positive outcomes in this disruptive environment. So, creating awareness and talking about it is an important first step in creating transformation.
This is the first in the six-part “Creating a Mindset for Change” package. All six parts are intended to be taken in sequence with a spaced learning approach.
In the Creating a Mindset for Change Process, Laura Goodrich, Global Workforce Innovator, will guide you through a series of microlearning on the Seeing Red Cars methodology. This leadership course will give you the tools you need to maintain a positive mindset and change behavior.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This part of the program provides examples of how to avoid fear-based thinking and focus on the positive outcomes you want for yourself and your organization.
To get what you want, you need to define what you want. You also need to be in control of each moment that could get you what want you want. Learn how to apply your "I want" statements to any situation, such as while in a meeting, having a conversation with a coworker, or when writing an email.
Every day, we can choose to have negative thoughts or to redirect those thoughts to achieve positive outcomes. Being positive affects you, and the individuals around you. This is critical for ensuring a healthy and productive organization. This positivity spreads throughout the company, improving it as a whole. Employees will have “I want” statements individually, and “we want” statements as a group.
While this transition from negative to positive may be challenging at times, the results certainly make it worthwhile. As you continue through this process of creating a mindset for change, you will grow a more creative, agile, and change-adaptive workforce.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course first shows you how to recognize and play to your strengths. Once you recognize your strengths, and you can identify what you are passionate about and what really interests you, you can begin to create positive outcomes for yourself. This is how you realize your “I want” statements.
Of course, everyone has at least one weakness they will never be able to eliminate completely. So, this course also teaches you how to recognize your weaknesses and combat them. This third part starts you on the journey to using your strengths and weaknesses to tackle organizational changes and reach your and your organization’s goals.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This program walks you through a set of tools to help you on your way. You will set concrete goals for your professional life to have something tangible to work toward. The Professional Wheel tool helps you understand your current level of effectiveness in multiple areas, including collaboration with others. Knowing where you are, and seeing where you want to go, is critical for changing your mindset. Once you complete the tools in this lesson, you are better prepared to move forward on those paved pathways to success while avoiding the undercurrent of negativity based on social conditioning.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Individuals in a group fall into three groups - Ambassadors, Backseat Sitters, and Detractors. This part of the program explains these three groups and how individuals within each group contribute to the organization’s success. This lesson explains how to create a change-adaptive culture throughout the entire organization, one where employees view change as something exciting rather than something to be feared.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This program aims to hit critical mass within your organization; to give you sufficient momentum to change yourself and those around you. After all, a company whose employees have been trained in this program is better prepared to achieve a self-sustaining culture of intentional focus on wants that fuel further growth. As you complete this program you will have the tools to take responsibility, focus on what you can control, and create a mindset for change, not only within yourself but within your organization as well.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Communication Training
For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it’s the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look you give the cat, it all means something.
This webinar assesses each team member’s communication style and then looks at the entire team’s communication style. It helps the team understand others’ communication styles and improves their communication with each other.
Flier: Team Communication Training with DISC
Dist. Price per attendee $80 Plus $750 for the 2 hour webinar
This webinar help your managers deal with employee discipline and any other tough communication issue. By assessing each employee’s communication style will help managers know how to communicate with each of their employees especially in the disciplinary process
This webinar assesses each team member’s communication style and then looks at the entire team’s communication style. It helps the team understand others’ communication styles and improves their communication with each other
Flier: Resolving Conflict with DISC
Dist. Price: $80/ employee assessed plus $750 for a 2 hour webinar.
Item description
By shattering the common paradigms associated with assertive people, this course is a roadmap for developing productive, healthy assertive behaviors. Clearly and simply, each module in this course illustrates why being assertive is acceptable and necessary while also teaching each step in the process.
This training educates participants about the different components of what makes for effective communication. This video explores how body language affects communication. Participants also learn about different behavioral styles. Use this course to help your team boost their communication skills.
This online training course teaches employees how to communicate effectively by exploring the 6 most common communication mistakes, such as miscommunication and multi-tasking, and shows learners how to avoid them. The section on avoiding miscommunication illustrates how communication is a “two-way street” between the communicator and the receiver. It works most effectively when the communicator’s message is clear, and when the receiver asks for clarification when they’re not sure about something. This course also explains why multitasking and distractions should be avoided while communicating because they often cause the communicator to make mistakes such as sending an email to the wrong person.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course on writing effective emails provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to write emails that get results. You’ll learn when to write an email and email best practices, as well as how to structure your emails to make them more effective. The course also demonstrates common email mistakes to avoid, such as using ambiguous language or failing to proofread.
This course is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their email writing skills, from entry-level employees to experienced professionals. It’s also an excellent resource for managers who want to provide their team with a consistent and effective template for writing emails.
This training video explains several basic rules to help improve your writing, including how to properly use punctuation marks, how to improve your sentence structure, and how to identify common mistakes in word usage. These are critical when writing in a business setting.
Learning how to properly punctuate your writing is fundamental. Commas, for example, areoften misused. This misuse can confuse your readers. Commas are used to divide complete sentences, separate a series of words or phrases, and to set apart an introductory phrase. This course provides additional instructions and examples as to both correct and incorrect comma usage, as well as information regarding apostrophes. The course continues to explain tips for proper sentence structure and correct word usage.
This online training course teaches you how to give feedback others are receptive to. There are two basic ways to give feedback: descriptive and evaluative. Viewers are shown why descriptive feedback should be used. This course also gives practical feedback tips. For example, plan what to say in advance, and provide examples. Another tip is to communicate clearly and respectfully.
Viewers also learn about the importance of seeking feedback from others. When receiving feedback, listen, learn, and be willing to act.
Leadership Level ONE Courses
Effective leaders are able to call upon a toolbox full of leadership skills and abilities that allow them to guide both their organization and their team members toward success.
A great way for managers to improve their capabilities, inspire their teams, and achieve outstanding business results is through proper leadership skills training.
A company’s ethics will have an influence on all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company including customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
This video walks leaders through a set of ten behaviors that exhibit the type of honor and reliability a leader needs to develop an ethical workforce. Harvey stresses the importance of taking your organizational values beyond hanging a plaque on the wall by applying them to everyday decisions. By setting an example, teaching employees how to apply values, and recognizing and rewarding good ethical behavior leaders will be on their way to building a culture of integrity.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Understanding what causes conflicts and the different types, helps workers understand how to prevent these situations and face them if needed. This training gives helpful tips on how to handle confrontation and manage situations if they become difficult or hostile. There are also ideas on how to handle and diffuse them before they get to that point. Making sure everyone is on the same page is important in conflict resolution.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
In the Conflict Resolution workshop, participants will learn crucial conflict management skills, including dealing with anger and using the Agreement Frame. Dealing with conflict is important for every organization no matter what the size. If it is left unchecked or not resolved it can lead to lost production, absences, attrition, and even law suits.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
This training explains the importance of sharing common goals, decisions, and tasks. A narrative example of a manager struggling to lead his team to success is used to demonstrate common mistakes leaders make. His eventual triumph helps model best practices for leadership. Use this course to help managers and team leaders find new ways to lead their teams to success.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course offers ideas on how to build strong interpersonal relationships with colleagues. The other motivators taught in this course include opportunities to use skills and abilities; relationships with immediate superiors; contribution of their work to the organization's overall goal; and autonomy and independence.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This delegation training video demonstrates how to delegate through a 5-part process, starting with analyzing the task. Participants learn how to select an appropriate delegate, assign the task, execute the task, and finally, conduct regular feedback sessions. Once a leader is comfortable delegating it can be used as an employee development tool in addition to making room in a leader’s schedule for other projects.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training video shows the viewer how productive organizations depend on a free flow of great ideas, and how it is a leader's responsibility to make sure that happens. By creating team goals and company goals together with employees, a leader can keep control while fueling additional motivation within the company. By creating goals together and keeping up communication and honesty, the scope of any project can be controlled by the team members and the leader in charge.
This course discusses dealing with these problematic employees. It demonstrates bullying and its effects, coaching your department about bullying and other disruptions, handling a report of bullying or other disruptions, investigating, and prevention and intervention methods.
This course helps managers deal with employee morale, safety, and company productivity while mitigating bullying in the workplace. Use this course to facilitate a greater understanding of appropriately responding to these types of issues within the workplace.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training educates participants about the different components of what makes for effective communication. This video explores how body language affects communication. Participants also learn about different behavioral styles. Use this course to help your team boost their communication skills.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Our Goal Setting and Getting Things Done workshop will cover strategies to help your participants deal with distractions and overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in their professional and personal lives. Your participants will learn the Goal Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Through Organizational Skills your participants will encounter improved productivity, better management, and an overall increase in professional growth. Every day people waste numerous amounts of time looking for items. So stop looking for those important items, and start knowing where they are by getting organized.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
The Supervising Others workshop will help supervisors become more efficient and proficient, with information on delegating, managing time, setting goals and expectations (for themselves and others), providing feedback, resolving conflict, and administering discipline.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Leadership Level TWO Courses
Leadership Skills must continue to be developed to retain good people
An effective leader proactively holds people accountable by setting expectations that are supported by coaching, mentoring, and consequences. This online training course teaches practical steps for leaders to implement to help develop the accountability of their employees.
Participants are taught this 5-step process: choose employees carefully; set expectations early; establish milestones; give regular feedback; and deliver consequences.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course covers a range of productivity best practices related to staying organized, managing email, avoiding distractions, and time management. For example, avoid bouncing between tasks and instead try and focus on one thing at a time, as multitasking can divert focus and attention away from the job at hand. Additionally, learn how to plan and be proactive to prevent yourself from staring at a list of tasks all due at the same time. These, and other, points are examined in greater detail here as well.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course covers a range of productivity best practices related to staying organized, managing email, avoiding distractions, and time management. For example, avoid bouncing between tasks and instead try and focus on one thing at a time, as multitasking can divert focus and attention away from the job at hand. Additionally, learn how to plan and be proactive to prevent yourself from staring at a list of tasks all due at the same time. These, and other, points are examined in greater detail here as well.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training explains how nonverbal communication may affect your relationship with co-workers. This video explores techniques to make yourself more accessible to employees, including how to share information, ask for input, and adapt to different situations.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
If employees are disgruntled, or if they feel like they cannot talk to their leaders, lines of communication will close. For example, if an employee is publicly criticized, he or she may start to doubt their abilities; they also may no longer wish to be open with their leader. Of course, the importance of understanding situations like these pertains to more than addressing mistakes; this also includes how to show appreciation, give autonomy, and be transparent, among others. Learn all these key points and more through the information presented in this Video On Demand. Utilize this content and become a better leader after understanding what your employees are thinking about you, how your behavior affects those thoughts, and how to best get your employees to be open with you.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training explains coaching techniques to improve your team’s performance, including how to establish credibility, agree on expectations and compare job performance to expectations. This course also explores how and when to share feedback with employees.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
The Coaching And Mentoring focuses on how to better coach your employees to higher performance. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you coach is related directly to how well you are able to foster a great working relationship with your employees through understanding them and strategic goal setting.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
With our How to Develop New Managers course your participants will gain the support, best practices, and knowledge. This workshop will help your company develop well rounded, fair and confident managers. By identifying early you will be able to groom prospective candidates and provide the best chance for success.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
This 12 Course Program is divided into 3 Tracks, Staff Leadership. Client Leadership and Growing the Business. Using a Learning Management System, participants receive course materials and follow-up training to ensure understanding of the material.
Distributor Price:
Per participant, $200/month
Manager Management takes a special type of leader. This workshop will expand your participant"s knowledge and provide a way for them to teach and lead new and experienced managers. As every manager knows that learning never stops, this workshop will have something for everyone.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
With our Crisis Management workshop your participants will understand that a crisis can occur any time. They will develop skills needed for certain negative events. Also, they will be able to recognize warning signs to help avoid negative situations completely, or, if the situation occurs, better manage the crisis whether it is an internal or external risk
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
New Leaders
When someone who is doing a great job is promoted, not giving them leadership training is dooming them to failure. You then have lost a good employee.
With this training course, new leaders learn what happens during the transition from peer to manager. They also learn the different leadership styles and how to communicate with their team. The course offers tips for how to leverage relationships and avoid gossip. Demonstrating authority without damaging relationships is also an important learning point.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Constructive Criticism if done correctly will provide great benefits to your organization. It provides the ability for management to nullify problematic behaviors and develop well rounded and productive employees. Constructive feedback shows an employee that management cares about them and will invest time and effort into their careers.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Congratulations on becoming a manager! One of the first things you must realize about becoming a manager is you have to prove yourself as an effective leader, one who can guide a team to success. You now have an opportunity to lead and inspire, but you must know how to do so when your team likely does not think or act like you. This lesson will guide you through the process and provide you with invaluable tips for becoming a top manager.
There are four key components to becoming an effective manager: self-awareness, relationships, direction, and delegation. For example, you should make it a priority to know your staff, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Learn how to understand their goals, listen to their needs, and be able to address their questions and concerns accurately and adequately. This course explores these four components and teaches first-time leaders the behaviors to avoid in their new role.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course is aimed at helping improve the skills of managers and supervisors in any workplace. This course demonstrates on unconscious biases can have a detrimental impact on an employee's performance, and how managers often don't realize they are victims of such biases. This course also explores micro-affirmations, the importance of understanding one's role as the supervisor, acting ethically, and inclusion.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Many people resist feedback, whether it is positive or negative. This online training course teaches you how to give feedback that others are receptive to.
There are two basic ways to give feedback: descriptive and evaluative. Viewers are shown why descriptive feedback should be used. This course also gives practical feedback tips. For example, plan what to say in advance, and provide examples. Another tip is to communicate clearly and respectfully.
Viewers also learn about the importance of seeking feedback from others. When receiving feedback, listen, learn, and be willing to act. Complete this online training course to become more adept at giving and receiving feedback.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Coaching, mentoring, or supervisory trainees will not perform well in their new roles unless they understand the communication challenges they may encounter. By teaching the proper technique for regaining or maintaining control of team communication, this course gives leaders the skills for navigating through those challenges and developing high-performing teams.
Each of the ten modules in this course spotlights the key challenges new leaders face when it comes to having conversations with team members. From wasting time online and getting team members back on track when they have a performance issue, to setting objectives and offering praise, these challenges, and the skills for overcoming them are taught by first presenting the goal, then the objective, and then the key take-away points leaders can apply immediately.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training explains how nonverbal communication may affect your relationship with co-workers. This video explores techniques to make yourself more accessible to employees, including how to share information, ask for input, and adapt to different situations.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training educates participants about the different components of what makes for effective communication. This video explores how body language affects communication. Participants also learn about different behavioral styles. Use this course to help your team boost their communication skills.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This Building a Culture of Respect course explains various facets of ensuring a fantastic working environment to ensure morale and productivity are maximized.
This course demonstrates how behaviors, such as behaving ethically, disagreeing constructively, alleviating harassment, curtailing bullying, championing diversity, and being understanding of others, create a respectful work environment. The course presents different scenarios of bad workplace behavior, and then gives examples of more respectful ways to handle the situations.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
The Time Management workshop will cover strategies to help participants learn these crucial strategies. Your participants will be given a skill set that includes personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. We"ll cover all this and more during this workshop.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Our Being a Likeable Boss workshop will show that honesty and trust will be your participant’s biggest tools in fostering a better relationship with their employees. Trusting your team by avoiding micromanagement, using delegation, and accepting feedback will put your participants on the right path to be a more likeable boss.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
The Employee Motivation workshop will give participants several types of tools to become a great motivator, including goal setting and influencing skills. Participants will also learn about five of the most popular motivational models, and how to bring them together to create a custom program.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Team or Group Training
Teamwork training helps both individuals and groups to focus on what is important, rewarding and productive when it comes to working together. Teamwork training builds on the natural human instinct to be part of a group and to defend that group from other groups and other influences.
This video presents different narrative examples of this phenomenon, also known as groupthink. The training program explores when an agreement is not the best decision, the consequences of not managing the agreement well, and how to avoid bad group decision-making. Learners who complete this program emerge more confident and ready to be valuable group members.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Three of the most common challenges faced in virtual teams include holding successful virtual meetings, resolving conflicts, and coaching across a distance. This online training course shows leaders the best practices to tackle these challenges for leading a virtual team. This course explores how to employ the three C’s of conflict resolution: cause; collaboration; and compromise. Leaders are also taught how to best coach a virtual team to foster results and improve its overall skillset.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
The ability to recognize how people's styles, and how to adapt your own, is taught and demonstrated through examples in this leadership training video. After all, the key to a successful group project is to have a successful group leader. Use this training video to encourage team members to work together to achieve the results and outcomes you all are striving for.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This training video shows you how to take advantage of a multi-generational workplace to benefit both your team and your organization’s goals. This course helps you understand your own generational viewpoint, and how to guide interactions based on decisions and attitudes that will promote your organization.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course explores how to effectively handle a variety of interpersonal challenges common to the workplace to maximize teamwork and maintain solid business relationships. Comprised of ten realistic scenarios, this course demonstrates potential ways of appropriately, and inappropriately, addressing issues in the workplace. Topics covered include a negative coworker, personality clashes, resistance to change, persuading a colleague, supporting a new team member, and being new on the job.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Through our Team Building For Managers workshop participants will be encouraged to explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer. They will be given the details and concepts of what makes up a team, and what factors into being a successful team and team member. Activities that build camaraderie, develop problem solving skills, and stimulate interaction will give your participants what is needed to be a great team member.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
The Teamwork And Team Building workshop will encourage participants to explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer. Your participants will be given the details and concepts of what makes up a team, and what factors into being a successful team and team member.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
With our High Performance Teams (Inside The Company) workshop, your participants will begin to see how important it is to develop a core set of high performance skills while working in an office locale. By knowing and managing the way people interact in an office setting, you will be positioning your high performance teams to accomplish any task.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
With our High Performance Teams (Remote Workforce) workshop, your participants will begin to see how important it is to develop a core set of high performance skills, while working remotely. By knowing and managing the way people interact in a remote environment, you will be setting up your high performance teams to accomplish any task.
The Facilitation Skills workshop can help any organization make better decisions. This workshop will give participants an understanding of what facilitation is all about, as well as some tools that they can use to facilitate small meetings. A strong understating of how a facilitator can command a room and dictate the pace of a meeting will have your participants on the road to becoming great facilitators themselves.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Performance Management
A good performance management system allows managers to identify the employees who perform their jobs well and offer them recognition and rewards. This can help motivate them to continue to optimize their performance while also inspiring other employees
This informative training video guides the learner on the path to confidently managing disciplinary discussions. The simple process is made up of five easy-to-follow steps, which include how to identify, analyze, and discuss the problem, followed by documentation of the discussion, and follow-up.
This training course teaches managers how to effectively conduct employee reviews and manage employee performance. Participants are taught a 4-part review model for creating a more effective evaluation. Participants also learn practices to improve the overall performance management process, such as keeping records and training.
This online training course, part of the "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™ series, teaches the importance of consistent management practices, and how to effectively handle behavioral issues. Participants learn a series of steps which include proactive discipline, progressive discipline, good documentation, and, if necessary, termination.
This video training course educates managers on how to execute performance appraisals legally and effectively.
This training explores the importance of appropriate documentation in performance appraisals. This video demonstrates to participants the necessity of accurate ratings in appraisals, standardized appraisal forms, appropriate goal setting, and employee input in the appraisal process.
Many people resist feedback, whether it is positive or negative. This online training course teaches you how to give feedback that others are receptive to.
There are two basic ways to give feedback: descriptive and evaluative. Viewers are shown why descriptive feedback should be used. This course also gives practical feedback tips. For example, plan what to say in advance, and provide examples. Another tip is to communicate clearly and respectfully.
Viewers also learn about the importance of seeking feedback from others. When receiving feedback, listen, learn, and be willing to act. Complete this online training course to become more adept at giving and receiving feedback.
When changes occur Performance Management helps the transition to be smoother and less hectic. It helps the organization and employee have a stream-lined relationship which improves communication and interactions between the two groups. It will help close any gaps that exist in an employee’s skill-set and make them a more valuable employee through feedback and coaching.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
The Accountability in the Workplace course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that can be used to help empower the team to work towards achieving the benefits of accountability. Accountable employees will fuel performance and productivity, and generate an enhanced workplace.
Dist. Pricing $850 Suggested Retail: $1100
Talent Acquisition
Many business leaders have not been trained on the hiring process, especially interviewing candidates
Talent acquisition is an important first step in having great employees. This video training course educates participants about best practices for recruiting quality candidates. This training explores how to use social media to help identify, attract, engage, and hire candidates. This video explains how to evaluate a hire for cultural fit.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course includes a section on the legal aspects of interviewing and laws to protect candidates from being discriminated against. Participants learn how gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, race, veteran status, and physical disability are “protected classes.” Interview questions about any of these topics are illegal.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Interviewers need to learn as much as possible about a candidate's work history and performance during the interview process. However, it can be difficult to collect the right information in a given time slot for an interview. This online training course shows a five-step behavioral-based interview process to help the interviewer gather relevant information and make informed hiring decisions.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Presenting strategic screening and assessment techniques and software, this course shows managers the step-by-step processes for reviewing resumes, checking references and social media, conducting remote interviews, and effectively using assessments. Upon completing this course, managers or HR personnel will know how to review resumes and shortlist candidates, identify the need to check for references, conduct remote interviews, and astutely gauge candidates that contribute on day one.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
New Employee Training
These are some of the trainings we recommend for new employees and which can be chosen and put in our automated 6 month Onboarding Program
When you're new on the job or assigned a new role, you want to appear to be completely competent and to please the people who ask you to perform tasks within your areas of responsibility. So, when you're given a task, do you know what to say to get all the information required to complete it? Find out what is to be done, when it's to be done, how it's to be done, and what resources can be used to complete the task. This video uses a narrative example to demonstrate how to take on a new task and gather all the information needed to succeed.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
Dedicated to improving decision-making aptitude regarding legal and ethical compliance, adherence, and conduct, this course provides specific examples of, and information on, common areas of ethical concern. From theft and fraud to bribery, human trafficking, and environmental stewardship, each module in this course guides employees toward understanding and making morally and ethically correct choices. Realistic workplace scenarios depict each area of ethical decision-making to help employees see how ethics play out in the real world.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course highlights the categories we put ourselves and others into that impact our assessment and understanding of people. Focused on showing employees how their unconscious biases lead to hasty and often unfair judgments, this course illustrates the harmful effects of unconscious bias in both their personal and professional lives.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course examines in great detail the intricacies of diversity discussion. Sometimes these things make us uncomfortable, and the course aims to unpack the topic in a friendly and neutral manner. It talks about the definition of diversity, how bias, discriminatory and stereotyping behaviors affect others, and how to increase one's diversity skills.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course explains the importance of self-discipline and shows how goal setting helps you prioritize and manage time. It teaches learners how to put ongoing demands through a time filter, to see what can be eliminated, automated, or delegated. Participants learn how daily lists and calendars help them stay focused and on track and are shown ways to maintain the enthusiasm and energy needed to reach a goal.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This module covers knowing your organizational structure, understanding and being knowledgeable of product and service updates, staying abreast of current information and trends, communicating that information, and using knowledge best practices.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
The topics of this course range from protective equipment, slips and falls, heavy lifting, bloodborne pathogens, workplace violence, and more. There are many situations where employees need to know how to prevent injuries or keep themselves safe. This multimedia video gives thorough training in these situations.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
These are just a few of the training we have for Employee Safety Trainings like Ladder, Hand & Wrist protection, Lockout-Tagout, Hazcom, Forklift, and Fire Extinguisher training. Please contact us for any requests your clients have.
In some states (New York and Colorado for example) this training on an annual basis. Whether required or not, ensuring no one harasses another human being. Training is separated into Employee and Manager sessions. Our trainings can be done
In-person (at no additional charge) if you have an on-site HR Consultant
Virtual via Live webinar - Capped at 45 people per employee or supervisor session.
On-line interactive - Two separate trainings, one for supervisors and one for managers. This allows people to take the training individually at a time that works best
Fliers: Harassment Prevention Training Options
Distributor Pricing:
Live on-site or live webinar training - $1,000 for 1 supervisor & one staff training
Interactive video per person $40 for either supervisor or staff.
This training video goes over OSHA's basic protection guidelines. Washing hands, and using a barrier are basic information given to any person who may come into contact with a bloodborne pathogen at work.
This course demonstrates routes of entry, universal precautions, the use of personal protective equipment, safe work practices, reporting, and follow-up for exposure incidents.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This course addresses fire and medical emergencies, natural disasters, severe weather, medical emergencies, and chemical spills and exposures. Examples are shown of how to respond during these emergencies.
Utilize this course to facilitate a safer and increased level of emergency preparedness. This course is a great option for re-training employees annually. We can’t prevent everything, and sometimes the unexpected happens, so make sure your employees are as ready as possible and equipped with the knowledge and confidence to deal with emergencies effectively and professionally.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90
This video-based course explores the different classes of fires, how to safely store hazardous and flammable materials, and the steps for evacuation in the event of a fire. Use this course to demonstrate to employees the safety precautions to take to prevent fires and to respond should a fire occur.
Dist. Price $67.50 Suggested Retail $90