How to Use Stay Interviews to Increase Employee Retention
Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels
As business leaders, we work very hard to find the right people to hire. Once we have them on board, often we do not focus on retaining and engaging them.
We recommend the stay interview as an easy method of doing just that. Given that many of us have remote workforces these questions might be helpful in keeping your best people.
Do you look forward to coming to work and if so why?
What have you learned in the last few months and what would you like to learn or continue learning?
On a scale of 1 -10, if you were offered another job with the same benefits, compensation, and commute, how likely would you be to stay with us? Why?
When is the last time you thought about leaving our company and what prompted it?
What can I do to make working here achieve your longer-term goals?
Doing this deep dive on an employee-by-employee basis will help you know if you have an engagement problem that could lead to high turnover.