

EffectiveHiring® Process, Package Options & Preparation


Most small business owners do not have a written hiring process. We use a six-step process which includes Preparation, Using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to Post Jobs, Doing Passive Recruiting, Narrowing & Interviewing Candidates, [ Assessing Candidates, and Automated Onboarding. This should be your starting point in discussing hiring with your clients. They need a written process all hiring managers should be following.

Flier: Six Steps to a Great Hire, 3 Hiring Options With Pricing, 3 Hiring Options With Canadian Pricing

Prezi: Hiring Tips & Tricks 2023 & Your First Hire

  • Where your clients have more time and a smaller budget. As the distributor, you can either sell the pieces of the EffectiveHiring a la carte process or you can use the pieces yourself to provide a hiring service directly to your client using the EffectiveHiring tools. The latter allows you to charge thousands of dollars to provide your own hiring service to your clients.


    Each component is billed individually. Use the Hiring Pricing Estimators to provide your clients pricing based on what they decide to use. Once they decide refer to the USA Distributor Price List to determine your discounted price. Your clients can use one or several pieces of the EffectiveHiring process. The excel document allows you to work with your clients to determine which pieces of the process they want to use. The prices are suggested list prices so remember you can charge any price you want for each item.

    USA a la Carte Hiring Client Pricing Estimator

    Canadian a la Carte Hiring Client Pricing Estimator


    Each piece of the EffectiveHiring Process has been chosen as a best-of-breed tool based on our research and over 12 years of hiring experience.


    A la Carte Recruiting Plan Process,

    How to ask the interview questions you are not legally supposed to ask

  • When your clients have more money than time but don’t want to pay the high price of a recruiter, our Hands-off hiring may work for them.


    Hands-off hiring includes all of our tools with the exception of our JobFiller Programmatic tool which will cost $750 per month per position.

    Clients pay for hours per months as listed below:

    15 hours (only recommended for low-level positions where only one person needs hiring)

    $2300 Suggested Retail

    $1750 Distributor Pricing

    28 hours (our most common package) for 1 or 2 positions based on the level of the positions being hired

    $4200 Suggested Retail

    $3200 Distributor Pricing

    45 hours for a high-level position or multiple positions.

    $5975 Suggested Retail

    $4550 Distributor Pricing


    FindYou™ Hands Off Options with Pricing

    FindYou™ Hands Off Options with CAD Pricing

    FindYou™ Passive vs. Active Candidate Sourcing


    We are not recruiters. You need to know this as your clients understand how recruiters work and need to understand recruiters charge 25% to 35% of the first year’s salary of the person they recruit. Because they often are competing with other recruiters (most often recruiting is non-exclusive) they flood the hiring manager or business owner with resumes. This is important to know since our process is quite different. Once we start the hiring process, we complete the preparation, then post the job to our ATS and begin our outreach to those not actively looking for a job. We interview and assess the best candidates. This process takes two to three days to see the first candidate which means your client will not be getting resumes or candidates until at least a week after we begin our hiring consulting.


Applicant Tracking System (ATS) & Job Filler™

As part of our hiring packages and available a la carte, we have options per position being hired [Hero Plan] as well as monthly and yearly options for our Plus and Pro plans. If you or your client uses our ATS to post their position, they have a choice of three options and a choice to purchase it monthly or to sign an annual agreement if they are hiring chronically.

Additionally, JobFiller™, our programmatic option to pay for sponsored Indeed, ZipRecruiter and many more sponsored sites is available through our ATS.

  • Suggested List Price:

    Hero Plan - $425 for 3 month access per post (position or location)

    Plus Plan - $330 Month to Month, Plus Plan - $270 Annual commitment billed monthly

    Pro Plan - $522 Month to Month, $405, Annual commitment billed monthly

    Distributor Price:

    Hero Plan - $340 for 3 month access per p0st (position or location)

  • If one of our FindYou Hands-Off options is chosen, we will determine the ATS option. If your client only hires occasionally we will suggest using our Hero Plan which is a 3-month plan billed per position posted. If multiple cities or if the client wants unlimited users or posts in a month, our monthly Plus or Pro may be recommended. Please contact Kathleen@sevenstarhr.com to discuss the best a la carte ATS that would work best for your clients


Hiring Assessments

Our EffectiveHiring® process uses several types of assessments, tests, and background checks to ensure the candidates meet the criteria. To get a quick overview of all our assessments, our Assessments Overview flier can help you. Each assessment is detailed by clicking the link below

Job Benchmark


Talent HD


Bennett Mechanical

Hard Skills

Background Checks


On Boarding, & Retention Automated Software

The last part of the hiring process is retaining your hires and your current employees. Given the expense our onboarding software, is different from the onboarding done by payroll companies. Their onboarding focuses on the legal requirements all new hires have to complete. We can link our software to most payroll systems but our 6-month or year-long onboarding software is customized to introduce the new employee to:

  • The Company Vision, Company Goals

  • The employees they will be working within your company by assigning trackable responsibilities to lunch or coffee with them

  • Their own communication style through an assessment with a debrief to explain how to best communicate

  • A choice of 3 or 6 online training courses chosen by you

  • Make them feel welcome by sending them cards and small office gifts and uplifting business articles which we provide to the office or their home periodically over the 6 or 12-month retention period

  • Send them check-in surveys to quickly understand how they are feeling.

    • Automated triggers, notification, nagging of tasks to ensure everyone in the process stays on track

    • Customized roles and workflow based on each Job’s title

    • Digitized paperwork - enter once, populate many times

    • Electronic signatures and storage for new employees

    • Any person in the company can be assigned responsibilities for the new person

    • Company branded cards and signatures from the president or manager of the employee

  • Suggested Retail Pricing: 1-50 New Hires Per Year

    Set up fee: $750 per new employee

    6-month onboarding

    Distributor Pricing:

    Set up fee: $600

    Monthly fee: $200

  • Relational Employee Onboarding System

    Onboarding Sample Plan

  • Prezi: Onboarding & Retention, Your First Hire, Hiring & Retention Tips & Tricks