HR Consulting On and Off Site


The first step to understanding the needs and risks of your clients is to use our HR MRI. This product comes in three sizes based on the number of employees. The number of questions is an approximation because we are constantly updating as new laws emerge.

USA - [Micro] - Up to 6 employees is a 15 question, [Mini] - 6 to 20 employees is around a 35 question assessment, [Full] - Greater than 20 is around 150 questions.

Canada - Since all laws apply regardless of size, there is only the Full Available

Price: There is no cost to the Distributer.

Flier: HR MRI Flier

Sample Reports: USA Summary Report, USA Issues Uncovered, Canadian HR MRI Summary, Canadian Issues Uncovered

Training: To obtain a link for a specific client send an email to by clicking this link and filling out the email.